Acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine are effective, natural, and drug free treatments to heal your various physical and mental health issues. Acupuncture and oriental medicine treatments are also well known for pain control with opioid like pain-free results. Acupuncture and oriental medicine can also help with internal medicine issues such as digestion issues, women’s health and infertility and irregular cycle. In fact, acupuncture and oriental medicine can be used for any medical issues except emergency conditions.
New patients commonly ask how many sessions can help their medical issues? It’s not simple to determine the correct number of treatments without watching how your body responds to treatments. Normally, a chronic condition takes more time to heal than an acute condition. For example, one patient with a recently sprained ankle needed only a single treatment to help him to be able to walk around. After that one treatment he was improving daily and in a few days he could jump around with no pain. However, if it is a chronic condition resulting from years of symptoms, then it may take months of treatments. In other words, each case varies with the number of treatments needed.
In the practice of Oriental Medicine my job is to help your body to heal with its own power, to have maximized immunity and to have a well balanced body system. This way the body can fight the disease and flush out the bad things in your body like plumbing. For that reason it is often necessary to combine acupuncture and natural herbs and to discuss lifestyle and diet.
Or call: (801) 900-7733
Sangae Kim, LAC
Sangae Kim is a multi-disciplined Oriental Medicine Practitioner and is nationally certified and licensed by both the state of Utah and by the state of New York. Sangae is a second generation oriental medicine practitioner. In her family, Sangae was raised in this ancient traditional medical field. Sangae can combine ancient styles of treatment with modern style medical treatments which often delivers much better results.
Sangae mastered in TCM Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; among Sangae’s acupuncture techniques she may use Master Tong’s Acupuncture, Constitutional Acupuncture, Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Four Needle Technique or Japanese Acupuncture techniques. Sangae is also a licensed herbalist. Each of these techniques is effective for certain kinds of problems and Sangae chooses the best technique after she learns about the patient’s needs through careful analysis of the patient’s condition. Each technique can bring a different result which is why she is really passionate for using the optimal technique to make the patient really satisfied after treatment.
We believe that healers should be very knowledgeable but also should be balancing healing your physical body with healing your soul. Healers should have a warm heart toward patients so that they are open to listen and pay enough attention to patients. In modern society we have a lot of stress that creates abnormal mental health conditions which often brings on physical problems.
Sangae Kim
Our team is comprised of multiple disciplines in medicine including oriental medicine, acupuncture, herbal therapy, acupressure and medical massage. Our office is a good place to heal both mind and body. Our team are all successfully graduated from accredited oriental medicine schools which required over 240 credits with western and oriental medicine courses and hundreds hours of internship. We are all well trained and have extensive practice experience with successful outcomes for many satisfied patients.
Acupuncture For Pain Control
At Shi Woo Acupuncture And Wellness, our board certified acupuncturist specializes in the treatment of following conditions:
Arthritis and Joint Pain
Joint pain osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and juvenile arthritis are all treatable with acupuncture. According to the study, Anti-inflammatory Actions of Acupuncture in the journal Taylor and Francis Health Sciences, they discuss many reports of successful treatment of arthritis using acupuncture.
Nerve Damage
Nerve damage pain such as sciatica pain can create imbalance in life. People that work with computers often have other nerve pains like tingling or numbness in fingers and wrists (like carpal tunnel syndrome). Acupuncture is a natural treatment for nerve pain without any side-effects.
Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain
We treat many patients with neck pain and shoulder pain. Working for long hours in front of a computer, poor posture, and work pressures cause many people to complain about neck and shoulder tension. Acupuncture increases blood flow to muscles and helps to relax all tensions by increasing healing hormones which relieves stress and eliminates neck and shoulder pain.
Migraines, Headaches and Stress Management
We treat all types of headaches such as migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches and hypnic headaches. Working for long hours with computers and sitting for long times without drinking water can increase stress and tension headaches. This can also affect the quality of your sleep. With acupuncture we can help relieve this stress and tension by increasing blood flow to relieve your headaches and other tension. We can also consult you to determine where the stresses are coming from and prescribe the best herbs to help relieve this stress, tension and headache.
Other Pain
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for many other pains such as back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, headache, wrist pain, pelvic pain, sprained ankle, foot pain (such as plantar fasciitis), tennis elbow, golf elbow, arthritis, migraines, etc.
Acupuncture For Infertility
At Shi Woo Acupuncture And Wellness, our practitioner is highly trained to treat infertility symptoms caused by known and unknown reasons. Some examples of infertility problems that are treatable by acupuncture and oriental herbs are:
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Endometriosis
- IVF Support
- IUI Support
- Male Factor Infertility
- Irregular Menses
- Ovarian Cysts
- Decreased Ovarian Reserve
- Elevated FSH
- Luteal Phase Defect
- Stress Related Hormone Imbalance
- Uterine Fibroids
- Immunological Factors
General Health
Our practitioner successfully treats many general conditions such as:
- Digestive Issues
- Allergies
- Respiratory Problems
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Repeated UTI’s
- Fatigue
Acupuncture is a medical treatment and therefore many health insurances will cover treatment. We will help you to understand your health insurance benefits and to make a treatment plan. If your health insurance doesn’t have acupuncture treatment benefits, do not be discouraged for treatment because we can offer you very affordable cash plan and have many different discount plans.
We are here to help you to make good plans for your treatment.
We are an out of network provider.
We do accept most major insurance plans for acupuncture.
Please contact our office for more information.
Insurance accepted for acupuncture treatment: Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross, United Healthcare, NY Ship, Empire Plan. Others may be accepted. Please ask.